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Top 10 Vehicles Involved in Fatal Crashes by Make in Maine

Here's what you need to know...
  • Some vehicles are involved in more accidents than other types of vehicles
  • If you live in Maine, you should know which vehicles are more likely to be in a fatal crash
  • Use facts and data to make informed decisions and shop around for best rates on insurance

Fatal crashes are scary. The greatest fear of a parent is to get a call telling them that their son or daughter was involved in a fatal collision. For the individual driving down the highway, they try not to think about such a disaster.

But knowledge is power. The more we know about what causes fatal accidents and what types of vehicles are most involved, the better we can arm ourselves to avoid such things from happening to us.

Here is one such fatal accident that could have been avoided. The accident occurred on January 6, 2017, when a man in a pickup slammed into a plow truck on the Maine Turnpike that was parked near the median to warn traffic of road repairs being done.

The plow truck had been parked at the top of the highway, and the driver apparently was traveling at a high rate of speed and was not able to stop in time.

Michael Sands, 48, the driver of the pickup died instantly when his pickup hit the plow truck around 6:30 a.m.

This is a sad story that cost at least one life. There are many other stories like this in the news today. Accidents like this could be avoided if the driver had either reduced his speed or known that the plow truck was at the top of the hill before he got there.

He was the victim and yet, perhaps this accident, like others, could be avoided.

There are more examples of accidents that could have been prevented which the Accident Data Center of Maine wrote about. Read the details of some of these accidents, and you will start to see that indeed, something could have been done to have avoided these tragedies on the highway.

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Two Types of Fatal Accidents

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There are two primary type of fatal accidents. A fatal accident always means that life was lost due to the accident. But below are the two kinds of fatalities in auto accidents.

  • Sudden Death Fatal Car Accidents – Accidents that result in the sudden death of any parties involved is a sudden death fatal car accident. These accidents are usually so severe that there is no way anyone could survive them. Often intense speed is involved as well as DUIs in some cases and distractible behaviors which would have prevented the driver from seeing what was ahead.
  • Eventual Death Fatal Car Accidents – If there is an accident that occurs which does not result in the immediate death of someone but who dies later, this is considered an eventual death fatal accident. These are usually the result of internal injuries or injuries that damage the brain or essential organs such as the lungs, heart, or spleen, to name a few.

Distracted Driving in Maine

One of the most dangerous factors that create fatal accidents is distracted driving.

In fact, in the state of Maine, one out of every ten fatal accidents was caused by distracted driving.

This should serve as a wake-up call for drivers that these distractible factors are something that you can control. You should be aware of the types of distractible factors and try to avoid these while driving.

There are many types of distractions that can affect your driving that can take your attention off the road, such as:

  • Visual – Visual distractions are those distractions that are based on what you see. You may be distracted by something you see in the sky or on the road while taking your eyes off the road ahead.
  • Manual – Manual distractions are those things that you do with your hands that take your attention away from the road. Examples of this are putting on makeup, eating, adjusting your radio, or answering a call.
  • Cognitive – Cognitive distractions are those things that take our minds off the road and the driving process. You could be daydreaming or be thinking about a problem or concern. These all take cognitive energy away from focusing on your driving and can contribute to accidents.

Cases of Accidents Caused by Distracted Driving in Maine


There are plenty of examples of fatal accidents caused by distracted driving in the state of Maine. One particularly sad story is this story about a Maine mom who asks parents and others to be aware of the dangers of talking on the phone and other things while driving.

She said, “If Heather Dawn had known how this would devastate us, she would have never talked on the phone and drove.”

In a separate accident in Farmington, Maine, a lady was tending to her dog, and she hit the car that was in front of her. Fortunately, this did not result in a fatality, but it could have. These kinds of distractible behaviors can contribute to severe accidents that could have been avoided.

In this accident, a teen driver on the phone caused this fatal crash that involved several vehicles.

Top 10 Vehicles Involved in Fatal Crashes in Maine

Maine - Top Ten Vehicles Involved in Fatal Crashes by Make

(Click here for an interactive chart)

One factor that does contribute to the statistics on fatal vehicle accidents is the make and model of the car. We have compiled a list of the 10 vehicles that are most involved in fatal accidents in Maine.

You may notice that Chrysler came in at #10, but Chrysler tied with Jeep/Kaiser-Jeep/Willys-Jeep for the tenth spot. Due to further research and only 10 slots being available on the list, we have decided that Chrysler was the better fit.

#10 – Chrysler

Chrysler vehicles are the tenth most common vehicle that is involved in fatal accidents in the state of Maine.

Chryslers tend to appeal to people who enjoy having a luxury car that gets good mileage. They are attractive cars that many people own in the Maine area.

There have been six fatal crashes involved with Chryslers giving it a 3.20 percent impact on fatal crashes in Maine.

#9 – Buick/Opel

Buick is a luxury model vehicle line that appeals to people who prefer luxury and style to a sports or other type of model. There are many different types of Buicks including Buick LaSabre, the new Buick Encore, and many others.

The Buick is a classy but practical-looking vehicle that is envied by many.

So far, there have been six fatal accidents in Maine involving a Buick, and it has a 3.25 percent fatality rate for accidents on the highways.

#8 – Subaru

Subaru is a medium-sized vehicle that features models like the Legacy, the Outback, and the BRZ, a sportier car model. There seems to be something for everyone when it comes to this vehicle make.

There have been nine fatalities in which a Subaru was involved in the state of Maine, and it has a 4.72 percent fatality rate as a result.

#7 – GMC

GMC is the seventh most common car involved in fatalities on the highways of Maine. GMC has All-Terrain vehicles, Yukon vehicles, and Canyon GMC Trucks.

There were ten fatal collisions involving this vehicle make, and it has a 5.25 percent rate of fatal accidents in the state of Maine.

#6 – Dodge

Dodge is a favorite brand of vehicle that many love to drive in America. Its motto is “Just different.”

The brand includes some famous models such as the Dodge Charger, Challenger, the sporty Viper, and others.

There have been ten fatal accidents in the state of Maine involving Dodge cars and trucks. It has a fatality rate of 5.30 percent.

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#5 – Datsun/Nissan

Datsun/Nissan is a popular car, and their popularity continues to grow.

There were over 200,000 of them on the roadways of the United States last year in 2016.

It is a modern-made car that is built for both rough terrain and regular highways.

It has a 5.35 percent fatality rate in Maine because there were ten fatal crashes involving Datsuns in Maine when the study was done.

#4 – Toyota

Toyota has had some issues in the past with recalls due to its problem with the ignition and other issues that have caused some fatal crashes in the past.

The company reported after this that the problem was supposed to have been fixed, but some drivers are still leery of the brand because many Toyotas took off without warning and they could not be stopped.

This sort of thing is a nightmare for an auto company because it creates an unpredictable risk for fatal collisions for drivers. There were 13 fatal accidents involving Toyotas in Maine making it have a 6.82 percent fatality rate.

#3 – Ford

From Ford 150 trucks to the new 2017 Ford Explorer, they are known for their wide variety of different types of cars and trucks, as well as SUVs and other types.

Ford cars and trucks placed third in fatalities due to its 7.87 percent fatality rate and the fact that 15 fatal collisions involved Fords in Maine at the time this study was done.

#2 – Honda

Honda vehicles have been around a long time. Their popularity soared in the 1980s due to their line of smaller economically-created cars that got excellent gas mileage. It is a Japanese-based company that has manufacturing plants in America as well.

There were 20 Hondas involved in fatal wrecks, and it has a 10.49 percent fatality rate.

#1 – Chevrolet

Chevrolet is one of the most popular makes in the United States. They feature a wide variety of vehicles for every taste.

The Chevrolet is a durable car that people often keep for many years.

There were 25 fatal crashes in Maine involving a Chevrolet vehicle, and it has a 13.12 percent fatality rate to date.

Other Factors for Fatal Car Accidents in Maine

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There are many factors as to why these automobiles were involved in the number of fatal accidents they were involved in. One reason may be the popularity of the make. The more people purchase them, the more likely they are to be involved in accidents.

Some cars may also be more prone to accidents due to their sporty appeal. People who drive sporty cars tend to speed more.

There is a psychological element to why people choose the cars they do.

Some of these reasons may be tied into the reasons they have accidents, such as the need to show off, particular preferences on engine power, and other factors.

Manufacturing errors, such as the Toyota recalls, account for some of the accidents.

General Vehicle Driving Safety Tips

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There are some things that you can do to avoid a fatal collision. You cannot predict what others are going to do on the road.

But you can control your level of distractibility as well as the safety procedures that you observe each time you get in the car.

You can also be proactive by having the right coverage for your vehicle in case you ever need to make a claim. Having the wrong coverage can make a bad situation worse. But statistics are just statistics much in the same way that “genetics are genetics.”

In other words, it’s more important what you do rather than what something comes with. Review your policy every six months and compare three to four policies to make sure your rate and coverage is where it needs to be.

Maine also has some unique situations that may lead to accidents that you should always be aware of. Some of them are listed below.

  • Maine weather – Maine is a bad winter state. They typically have over two feet or more of snow per year on average, and icy spots can turn up without warning. Be sure to monitor the temperature and weather for changing conditions on Maine roadways.
  • Wildlife safety – There are a variety of animal wildlife in Maine such as elk, bears, moose, and deer which could cross the road without warning in certain areas and cause major damage to your vehicle and you. Be on the lookout for these animals to avoid a collision.

Remember different factors cause fatal collisions. Reduce the distractions, know your car, have the right coverage, and drive safely at all times in Maine or anywhere.

If you live in Maine and want to better ensure your safety and your car’s safety, compare three to four policies today to ensure you are covered adequately by entering your ZIP code below!

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